It's good to work !

Ah ! just one week and it feels good ! So I made my decision, I gonna stop being an actor... Too dangerous, too much pressure, too weird relationships with poeple I'm working with... I think the problem is that in France, it's almost impossible to do this job, you need to BE this job, you need to be extraodinary, you need to dance naked on the table until 6am and go to work directly, you need to be happy all the time and the most important, you need that everybody love you all the time. Actor is not a job anymore, it's a way of life, and I just wanted to do a job, normally, and have my life beside it. I'm not really interested about being famous, but I'm interested about doing interesting things and making money... Well... I must have missed something somewhere...
So..What are you going to do next? I haven't see you dance naked yet!
It's because you DIN'T COME TO PARIS !!! So if you want to see it, you have to come soon, cause I gonna stop doing actor... And leave anyway...
STOP ACTING???? and be a professional ginger wife? hahahaha
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