07 March 2006

Why is France sooooo cold ???

Okay ! Today is a good day ! I woke up this morning thinking about my appliance to this cinema school I wanna do, and how I could find any inspiration to write this excellent and exceptional duty they need to accept me (somuch exc to accept student in this school)... Finally, a phone call says me I will keep my job next year, I can talk with Doudou's sister, with which I hadn't talk for ages, and with my exceptional chinese teacher in Taiwan, with which I hadn't talk since I'm in France... Later, I found my chinese school in Paris (at last a school to teach traditional chinese !)... Taiwan and poeple there miss me so much ! Talking to Doudou's sister and my teacher, I just remember how sweet and quiet was life for me there, and how I missed that, Doudou's family and all my friends there...
Finally, what a perfect matinée ! What about the afternoon ? I maybe should play lotery !!!
Oh ! And by the way ! I can't stand french climate... If you have any solution to heat me, don't hesitate !


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